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YoPro Files: Cole Blaise

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Meet Cole Blaise, Creative Director at Kansas City PBS. Between switching from capturing live music on The Bridge to working with interns to guide them on their projects Cole's diverse set of skills has served him well. Learn a little more about Cole and his public media trajectory.

What or who has impacted (and guided) you throughout your YoPro time in public media?
Wow, what a big question. Everything has. And maybe it's my naivety or we can blame my optimism that leads me to that answer. I have been fortunate in my time in the PBS system to work for and alongside inspiring people who gave me trust and freedom to not only complete assigned tasks, but also to develop agency in my professional career. In my first introduction with our CEO Kliff Kuehl, I told him that within five years I plan to move on from Kansas City PBS (KCPT). Bold, I know, but he did ask if this millennial (me) had a five year plan. Sometimes you get what you ask for. His willingness to invest in people without expectations of lifelong serfdom is rare, and I owe a lot to his vision and laissez-faire approach. And, now due to his leadership and willingness I am pushing 6 years at KCPT. Originally I was hired by Shane Guiter who constantly pushed me to be bold and lean into my instincts. He had this intentional presence about him, even in conversations to focus in on every word with relentless eye contact. You can’t help but feel heard, and also a bit awkward. Additionally, our COO Carla McCabe has been an incredible advocate for me every step of the way like I was part of the family and countless peers have encouraged me, covered for me, and sacrificed for me.

My parents have stressed since I was young to always try and find one person farther along than you to learn from, one person beside you to encourage and be encouraged by, and one person behind you to invest in. YoPro has been a part of all three of those relationships in my time in the PBS system. My first interaction with YoPro was at the urging of Shane Guiter, former KCPT COO, who hired me. He stressed the importance of listening to the voices of others around me, and the equal importance of trusting my own. At the workshop preceding the 2015 Annual Meeting in Austin, I got to exercise that advice and challenge myself in connecting to peers and GMs across the PBS system. I left inspired, with leaders all across the nation to look up to and strive to be like. A few of us stayed in touch and we developed a network to bounce ideas off of, vent occasionally, and meet up at regional and annual meetings in the years to follow. Encouraged would be an understatement. Last month, I got to watch four members of my team begin their YoPro journey at YoPro KC held at my home station. I’m beyond proud to be a little part of their professional journey and immensely glad to have a program dedicated to helping them develop and helping me help them.

What advice do you have for YoPros who have just entered into public media?
One of the first tasks I completed as I entered into public media was to research why public media exists in the first place. This defining purpose (I’ll let you find out what that is) in the midst of exponential change in media is empowering. Use it to not only guide your decisions, but also to passionately defend them.
Beyond that;

  • Be a champion of receiving and giving specific feedback. Invite people into your blind spots.
  • Put yourself out there. You’ll never know if a door is closed unless you knock. If you knock on a closed door, the person on the other side just might say “come on in, its open.”
  • Put in the hours and play the long game. DaVinci got his big break at 46.
  • Learn the language of your executive team. How do they communicate? What ways do they like to describe your mission? Ask them for books or resources on how they developed strategies for your station.
  • You’ll never please everyone, so don’t be surprised when the detractors come.

How have you, as a YoPro taken, professional development into your own hands?
I’ve become increasingly aware of the opportunities afforded me, and find it immensely difficult to say any development comes solely from my own hands (especially after reading Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers; 10/10 would recommend). What I’ve focused on is not missing the opportunities that are clearly presented, and taking leaps of faith into the ones that aren’t so clear. In the end, no one should care more about my growth than myself. Practically, it's devoting big chunks of time to reading books, because I’m not really that fond of reading and if I try to do it slow, I’ll never finish. It's pushing myself to present at meetings regardless of how much of an imposter I might feel. Asking for advice even though I feel like a burden, being intentional when I’m content to chill, finding lessons in every situation, and letting myself fail.